How Glass Partitions Can Save Your Sanity This Holiday
- At December 04, 2017
- By Mark
- In Uncategorized
If you’re like a lot of families, you may have in-laws, cousins, aunts, and uncles coming over to spend the holidays together. Whether due to your house’s size or proximity, everyone is going to be congregating at your place.
You may have one guest bedroom, but it’s certainly not enough to hold all this extra family. What do you do? You’ll have to get creative about sleeping accommodations, of course.
Privacy is also an issue during this extended stay. You only have so many bedrooms and bathrooms. It seems like everywhere you turn, there’s somebody around when you really just want a moment alone.
Glass partitions from CGD Glass Countertops are just what you need this holiday season. These will create more space, provide privacy, and contain your extra family members.
Here’s how.
Use Partitions to Separate One Room into Two
If bedroom space is limited, you may have guests sleeping all over the place, like on the couch and the floor. Give everyone a sense of their own space with a glass partition in the middle of a spare bedroom. This way, family members can go through their own routines (whether that’s staying up late or getting up very early) without interrupting your other guests.
Close Off Your Home Office with a Partition
It’s important to spend time with family during the holidays, but you still have to get some work done, too. If you have a lot of kids or other needy relatives competing for your time, keep your office space private with a glass partition.
If you don’t have an office door, or if your home office is in a corner of the room, this will really let people know you mean business.
Keep the Kitchen Prep Productive Via a Partition
If you have a large kitchen and no kitchen island, you can easily situate a glass partition in this room as well. You might want to split up the space between the countertop and the oven and then form a type of cooking assembly line.
For instance, one family member might make cookie dough, pass this to you, and then you put the cookies in the oven. This prevents too many people from bumping elbows during cooking, which would frustrate anyone.
Create a Separate Dressing Space with a Partition
With so many people staying over, privacy becomes an issue. Glass partitions around the house allow your family members to get changed and do other private routines easily without the risk of being seen.
Glass partitions are incredibly versatile, as you can see. Not only that, but these are stunningly beautiful, too. They make a great addition around the house beyond the holidays. Whether you want to create drama and use the partition for decoration or you just need some privacy, these are a must-have.
To get started ordering your glass partition today (customizable according to your specifications), contact us at CGD Glass Countertops. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!