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01 May


Want More Summer Sun? Get a Decorative Glass Door

May 1, 2019 | By |

With more daylight and warmer temperatures, the itch to spend time outside has gotten stronger. That means summertime’s right around the corner. While you wish you could plan a lavish vacation or even a fun trip over a long weekend, it’s just not in the cards. You’ll spend your summer working.

By the time the day ends, most of the sunlight and warmth have disappeared. You have the weekends, but they always seem to go by in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, it’s Monday all over again. You repeat this process for weeks, and then boom, the kids go back to school and summer officially ends.

While we can’t help you plan a trip to the beach, what we at CGD Glass Countertops can do is bring the summer sunlight to you. How? With our decorative glass doors.

We’re a Toronto-based glass design and manufacturing company. While we have countertops in our name, that’s far from all we sell. We also specialize in custom glass products such as glass panels, partitions, sinks, backsplashes, bartops, tabletops, and more.

Whether you get our decorative glass doors installed in your home office or on a commercial level, we think they’ll transform your working days this summer. We design our doors with sheer glass and metal hinges and handles. When the sun shines into your office, it cannot pass through a wooden or metal door. You then don’t get to experience any of the warmth.

Once you have one of CGD’s decorative glass doors installed, that all changes. Now, when the sunlight comes in, it can pass through the glass and right into your office. Whether your space has a window or not, you get plenty of light. While there’s no substitute for spending time outdoors, you should get some vitamin D from the sunlight this way. You could even notice a mood boost.

You may have concerns about privacy, especially if you work in a commercial office environment. Don’t worry. Here at CGD, we understand the needs of our customers. That’s why we offer frosted, textured, even colored glass that isn’t translucent. This way, you still get the benefits of more sunlight but with added privacy as well.

If we’ve intrigued you with the above options, we’re glad! You can design your decorative glass doors any way you want at CGD. Sometimes that might mean getting the door textured and frosted so no one can see into it. You could also get patterned, colorful glass that looks like something that you’d see at an art exhibit.

You can start designing your own glass door on our CGD Glass Countertops website. There, you can select from countless textures in a variety of looks and designs. You can also pick from one or several colors for our backpainting. With this unique service, our staff paints the back surface of the glass for rich color throughout.

When you’re ready to proceed with your glass project, you can request a quote through our site as well. You can also call us at 416-398-9733.